
Publisher 1.12.0 realeased
April 20, 2020

As of today, Openweb has released the new version of the publisher. Version 1.12.0 This version new features are: FIX: text replacement FIX: prevent S3 recursive deletion FEAT: html generation + uploads by config

Going serverles
April 19, 2020

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi in iaculis felis, a blandit lacus. Aliquam eget erat leo. Sed tempor ex sit amet velit posuere porttitor. In aliquam lacus nec purus eleifend, in pretium erat commodo. Nulla at dolor…

Akamai GA
February 10, 2020

As of today, Openweb proyects will be created using the new corporate CDN: Akamai This does not mean our beloved, yet old but reliable Amazon based CDN, Cloudfront, will be discontinued. We will keep it and will be behind Akamai. It will be used for…

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